ca. 1800's

There were many subtle differences between buggy designs and it was not uncommon to confuse one with another. Road wagons such as this one were often difficult to tell apart as a result of the variations made by the individual manufacturers. These wagons were made to cater to the general public rather than to the wealthy.
The road top wagon was a close releative of vehicles such as the doctor's buggy, piano box buggy, and the runabout. The differences wre that the doctor's buggy was smaller, the piano box had a rounded back, and the runabouts had smaller wheels and were closer to the ground.
This road top wagon was acquired in Arkansas at an undocumented time. Mr. Sterquell had to paint, upholster, and add a top to the vehicle. It was then incorrectly identified as an Americaine buggy. The road top wagon differs from the Americaine in the wheel size and the back shape.